Kartina's Construction Blog
Monday, April 30, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Nakagin Capsule Tower

I find this building amazing.Theyve used different materials for different levels to ensure that the building could uphold the weight since the design is a bit different from a normal building.
Taken from Wikipedia on the construction of Nakagin Caplsule Tower.
The cores are rigid-frame, made of a steel frame and reinforced concrete. From the basement to the second floor ordinary concrete was used, but above these levels lightweight concrete was used. Shuttering consists of large panels the height of a single storey of the tower. In order to make early use of the staircase, precast concrete was used in the floor plates and the elevator shafts. By using a policy whereby steel-frame work was done for two days and precast concrete work on the following two days, the designers were able to prepare a completely operational staircase by the time the framework was finished. Construction of the elevators on-site was shortened by incorporating the 3D frames, the rails and anchor indicator boxes in the precast concrete elements and by employing prefabricated cages.